8 Tips for Reducing Water Usage in Your Backyard

Water shortages are becoming more common each year, especially in Nevada! It’s important to do what we can to maintain a sustainable household and reduce water usage. One way to do this is by making some changes to your backyard landscaping. Here are some of our favorite ways to make sure your backyard is using water efficiently!

1. Install a water-efficient irrigation system

Installing a water-efficient irrigation system is a great way to reduce water usage in your backyard. There are many different types of water-efficient irrigation systems available, so be sure to do your research to find the best option for your needs.

Need help deciding which is best for your yard? We are experts at installing irrigation systems in Northern Nevada, and can help you choose the best water-wise option for your yard.

2. Adjust sprinklers so they’re not watering the street or sidewalk.

Adjusting your sprinklers so they’re not watering the street or sidewalk can help reduce water usage by up to 50%!

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to reduce water waste is by making sure that your sprinklers and irrigation systems are watering the areas that you want them to! Make sure that you check your sprinklers regularly and adjust them whenever necessary.

3. Water plants early in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler.

Watering plants early in the morning or evening helps reduce evaporation and ensures that your plants are getting the water they need.

If you water your plants during the day, a significant amount of the water will evaporate before it has a chance to reach the roots. Watering in the cooler hours of the day helps reduce evaporation and ensures that your plants are getting the water they need.

4. Repair any leaks in your plumbing system immediately.

Leaky faucets and pipes can waste hundreds of gallons of water each day. Not only is it wasteful, but it can also lead to much higher water bills. Additionally, leaks can flood your garden and damage your landscaping.

If you have a leak, try to identify the source and turn the water off as soon as possible and call your local plumber to perform the repairs.

5. Invest in drought-tolerant plants and landscaping for your garden.

If you live in an area that is prone to drought like Northern Nevada, investing in drought-tolerant plants is a great way to conserve water. Drought-tolerant plants don’t need as much water to thrive, so they’re a great option for areas that are prone to drought.

You can also use rock and stone instead of plants to create borders and dividers in your yard. Rock and stone don’t need water to thrive, so they’re a great option for areas that are prone to drought, and can help divert water to areas of your yard that really need it!

6. Place mulch around plants and trees to reduce evaporation.

Adding mulch to your garden is a great way to conserve water! Not only does it help keep the soil moist, but it also prevents water from evaporating. This is especially important in hot, dry climates where water conservation is essential. Bonus – Mulch can add a nicer aesthetic than dirt alone to your yard.

There are many different types of mulch available, so be sure to do your research and choose one that is best suited for your climate and the types of foliage in your yard.

7. Group plants together based on their water needs.

Grouping plants together based on their water needs is a great way to conserve water in your garden or yard. If you have a lot of plants that need a lot of water, group them together in one area of your garden. This will help reduce the amount of water each individual plant needs and help conserve resources. Alternatively, if you have plants that do not require a lot of water, grouping them together will help avoid over watering.

It is much easier to group plants together at the beginning of the landscaping process, instead of trying to rearrange them once your yard layout has already been decided.

If you are looking for ideas for how to arrange your yard so that your plans are grouped together as efficiently as possible, we can help! Contact us today to get started.

8. Install a rain barrel to collect rainfall from your roof.

Rain barrels are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason! A rain barrel is a great way to collect rainfall from your roof and use it to water your plants or garden. Not only does this help reduce your water usage, but it also helps conserve water for future use.

Rain barrels come in many shapes and sizes. Usually they are placed at the end of a gutter where rainfall from the roof is collected, then routed to your plants or garden via a simple irrigation line.

Start Conserving! By using these tips, you can reduce the water usage in your yard up to 50%! If you would like help implementing any of these suggestions, please contact us HERE.

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If you would like to learn more about how we can make your landscaping dreams come true, let us know what you’re interested in, and we’ll schedule a time to meet you and get you a quote.

Call us directly 775 223 2852
Email us dclark@drcreno.com