Tips and Ideas for Designing Rock Gardens

pretty rocks in garden

Designing a rock garden is a fun endeavor and one of the most creative forms of gardening. These stunning gardens bring natural beauty to your yard, adding character and dimension. Plus, rock gardens are known to be relatively low-maintenance! However, when planning out and designing your rock garden, there are a few things you should…

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Raised Garden Bed Ideas

Raised Garden Beds

Raised garden beds are great options for bringing both functionality and style to outdoor space! Raised beds are very beneficial for gardeners as they allow for: Greater soil quality control Have more significant drainage Enable you to start planting earlier in the season Have fewer weeds Prevent critters from having easy access to your plants…

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What To Look For In A Landscaper

landscape plans

Great landscaping can transform your home, boost your curb appeal and make a solid first impression. That’s why choosing the right landscaper for your project is extremely important. After all, a beautiful landscape surrounding your home can improve your outdoor living experience and even increase your home value. With a large selection of landscape companies…

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What’s Your Landscape Style

oriental garden

A landscape is one of the essential features of your home. It can be the place where you spend time with family, relax with a book, or have a BBQ with friends. But how do you know what type of style will work best for your property? The first step is to determine whether your…

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How to Achieve Luxury Landscape

beautiful Nevada landscape

Often the exterior of your home gets put last on the list of home improvements, with more focus put in areas like your kitchen and living areas, but your homes’ landscape can be a massive game-changer in the aesthetics and value of the property. So, If you’re seeking to improve your home’s exterior and landscape,…

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Drip Irrigation Systems

drip irrigation system

A drip irrigation system, also known as a trickle irrigation system, or low volume irrigation, is a pipe system placed throughout a garden to allow for watering directly to the roots of plants. Though this system may go by several different names, it is one of the most effective ways to water your plants. As…

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Gardening In The Summer Heat

Gardening tools and boots with flowers

In the summer, gardening can be a difficult task. The heat and humidity make it hard to work in the garden for long periods without risking sunstroke or dehydration. Though they love the sun, your plants can also have a difficult time with the change of weather. Thankfully there are plenty of easy ways to…

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What is the most expensive part of landscaping

financial books and calculator

Landscaping costs  Landscaping in Nevada is like any other outdoor gardening project; it takes time, planning, and money. So before you start making plans to update your outdoor oasis, think about your budget and how much you can afford to invest in such a large-scale project. Then, once you come up with a reasonable budget,…

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Summer Vegetables

summer vegetables

The prime season for landscaping in Nevada is in the spring. During spring fever, people enjoy landscaping their yards and planting their gardens. Though spring is nearly over, it is not too late to get started on your landscaping or gardening journey.  One of the most popular gardens to grow is a vegetable garden. Of…

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