Different Types of Water Features To Enhance Your Outdoor Space

There’s nothing quite like the effect of water. Humans are naturally drawn to water, as it is soothing to the senses. This affinity for water leads many people to incorporate water features into their outdoor space! If you wish to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor oasis by adding a water feature, here are some options to consider:

Standard Waterfall

A standard waterfall is a classic water feature that is one of the most popular features people choose to add to their outdoor space. Waterfalls can instantly add intrigue, whether it’s a stand-alone feature or an addition to a pond or pool. These waterfalls are also variable in design, ranging from smaller stacked rocks to more enormous boulders for the water to cascade from. People choose waterfalls for their timeless beauty and the pleasing sound of moving water, making space very inviting and soothing.

Water walls

Yes, you read that right—water walls, not waterfalls. Water walls are walls with water flowing down the side, serving as an elegant and eye-catching feature, elevating any outdoor space. For example, water walls are stunning feature walls for outdoor kitchens! These walls can be made of rocks, tiles, bricks, and other materials, depending on the particular design you are interested in. The noise your water wall makes may vary depending on the wall’s texture, but as with any feature with moving water, you will achieve a peaceful sound of falling water.

Rain Curtains

If you want some added luxuriousness through a unique water element, consider rain curtains. Rain curtains are generally found as a vertical structure in which there is a device with small water holes at the top, slowly releasing water, creating a rain effect. These rain curtains can be stunning by a pool, garden area or feature in an outdoor kitchen.


Scuppers are similar to waterfalls in that they deliver water from a higher level to a lower level, generally in a pool! These scuppers will create a pleasing sound of running water, with their noise varying depending on their height compared to the water and the volume of water they allow to move through them. Scuppers can also be added alongside waterfalls at varying levels, creating a concert of stunning water features.


Similar to scuppers, sconces are a popular water feature for adding dimension. Although, sconces are generally more elaborate than scuppers. For example, these sconces are commonly found in lion heads or other decorative figures from which water will pour. If you are a fan of classic design, sconces are a great option to add an element of richness to other water features.

Laminar Jets

Laminar jets have become a very popular water feature over the last few years. Laminar jets create a solid stream of water that appears as a clear arch, creating a water show around your pool or spa area. You probably have seen these jets at a nice hotel pool! Bring this feeling of being on vacation home by implementing laminar jets in your pool area. Plus, you can further enhance these jets by adding LED lights, creating a truly dazzling effect.


Bubblers are water features that appear as water welling up from the ground. These bubblers can be small or large in effect, and like other water, features will be sure to add pleasant sounds of moving water. Adding a bubbler to your patio or surrounding your pool area will add a fun element to your outdoor space!


Fountains are a timeless water feature beloved by many! One of the reasons fountains are so popular is because they are very versatile, fitting into many spaces and styles. From small to large, basic to intricate, and modern to decorative, there is sure to be a fountain that meets your needs. In addition, fountains tend to integrate other water features that have been aforementioned, such as sconces and scuppers, to add to their intricacy. Finally, depending on the fountain and your personal preference, the water may be a gentle or powerful stream of water, varying the amount of noise created. 

Natural Ponds

Natural ponds are a beautiful and extremely popular water feature for people to include in their outdoor plan. For those who are seeking a more natural water feature, ponds are a great choice. Ponds are very flexible in adding them, as they can be shaped to fit a smaller space or can be enormous. People often decide to incorporate additional water features such as waterfalls or fountains into their ponds to enhance their beauty and allure. Additionally, natural landscaping surrounding the pond can create an extraordinary place!


Streams are a bit more elaborate than ponds and generally require a decent amount of space. When planning to install a stream, it is essential to prepare for natural landscaping not to appear random and unnatural. This makes streams a rather design-intensive water feature, but they are generally worth it due to the true natural beauty they can bring to a yard.

Overall, there are various water features to choose from with varying degrees of maintenance, installation requirements, space requirements, and styles. However, each one will add its sensory appeal to your outdoor space!

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