What To Look For In A Landscaper

Great landscaping can transform your home, boost your curb appeal and make a solid first impression. That’s why choosing the right landscaper for your project is extremely important. After all, a beautiful landscape surrounding your home can improve your outdoor living experience and even increase your home value.

With a large selection of landscape companies in Reno, it can be overwhelming to narrow it down to just one. However, trusting your lawn to the right professionals requires having confidence in the right people who have the right qualities. 

Here are the qualities you should look for in a landscaper to ensure you achieve the beautiful landscape that you have been dreaming of:


First, you should be looking for a landscaper that has proper qualifications. Many people might consider themselves a landscaper, but a trustworthy landscaper understands the best landscaping practices, products, and techniques through certified expertise. To ensure you are receiving a quality landscaping service, it is helpful to choose a certified, licensed, and insured landscaper. This can help guarantee you are getting a professional landscaper rather than an individual or group who has picked up landscaping as a side job. 


Along with proper qualifications, experience is another factor to look for when determining the landscaping company you want to select. Experience is beneficial in landscaping as it is helpful to have a landscaper that understands what looks good and knows the ins and outs of designing and maintaining the landscape. Additionally, it helps to have a landscaper with broad experience, providing various services that can combine to meet all of your landscaping needs in one company.


A successful landscaper will have a favorable reputation in their area. Reading customer reviews on the landscape company can help you better understand the company, the quality of the services it provides, and the overall experience of working together. It is revealed when a company has a loyal customer base that can testify to the abilities of the landscaping company.

Shared Objectives

A company needs to be a good fit for you, meaning that the budget, timeline, services required, and even style are compatible. Ideally, your landscaping goals should become their goals. Therefore, before hiring a landscaping company, it is crucial to ensure that these goals ultimately align.

Good Relationship

Along with sharing objectives, it is vital to find a landscaper that you are comfortable with. The landscaper will likely be around you and your family, as they are working outside your home for the length of the project, so it is helpful to feel that they are courteous and friendly. Additionally, the company must communicate well and listen well to what you are looking for.


Choosing the right landscaper also means that they can create a landscape that captures your vision. In the end, you are choosing a landscaping company because you are interested in making your outdoor space more stylish. This means it is essential for a company’s landscaping design to be stylish and well-executed. In addition, the landscaper should be aware of landscaping trends and what looks best in different areas of your outdoor space. Social media pages or the gallery section of a company’s websites are a great way to see companies’ recent projects and get an idea of their landscaping style.

Choosing the right landscaper is important for the success of your outdoor project. If you are able to find a company that displays these qualities, then you likely have found a great company to perform your landscaping! If you are in Reno/Sparks Nevada you will be lucky enough to have DRC Landscaping as a great option that has these qualities. Get in touch or request a quote for your next project. 

Turn Your Landscaping Dreams Into a Reality

If you would like to learn more about how we can make your landscaping dreams come true, let us know what you’re interested in, and we’ll schedule a time to meet you and get you a quote.

Call us directly 775 223 2852
Email us dclark@drcreno.com